Lunar New Year Wishes — Language Cards

We created Lunar New Year language cards to teach (or remind) you what to say to wish someone a happy new year in 6 different languages and dialects. We have cards available in Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin with simplified characters and pinyin transliteration, Mandarin with traditional characters and bopomofo transliteration, Taiwanese and Korean.
I first started making these a few years ago with my younger self in mind. During the new year, children accepting lì xì (红包/🧧/red envelopes) should offer new year wishes in exchange. These wishes generally come in the form of set phrases or idioms expressing hopes for prosperity, professional success, health, beauty, family unity. I was terrible at remembering anything beyond the basic “chúc mừng năm mới” (Happy New Year) and always thought I would have loved a little cheat sheet. Regardless of whether you’re receiving red envelopes, there is plenty of opportunity to make use of these cards to offer wishes for friends, family and neighbors.
If you’d like a printed versions of any of these, please make a note with your order and we’ll be sure to enclose one for you!