Garden Collection – Inspiration

Our Garden Collection is a limited edition series of crystal jewelry inspired by enduring memories of family and home. Each design offers an enchanting study of light—engaging reflection on multiple perspectives and new ways of seeing.
Bông tai, the Vietnamese word for earring, literally translates to flower of the ear. A figurative description that aptly captures the aesthetic and radiant character of this collection’s designs.
To refer to a pair of earrings, one would say đôi bông tai, đôi indicating a pair. In the process of working on this collection, I learned that I’ve been saying đôi bông (lopping off the tai, or word that references the ear) with the understanding that it was the complete and correct way for saying earrings. Apparently, it's not. While my mother and aunties clearly knew the difference, no one thought to tell us we've been using an abbreviated form of the word. I’ve spent my entire life speaking of flowers when I thought I was speaking of earrings.
The collection name, Garden, extends the fitting nature of bông tai to the feel of this work and pays respect to the first languages we learn and the ways they evolve to offer new meanings.