2018 White Peony Mini Tea Cakes
This product is currently sold out.

Teaphile’s white peony tea originating from Fuding, Fujian is gently processed, sun-baked without any frying or kneading. Notes of lemon peel and tulips, this tea has subtle aromatics. The leaves contain antioxidants, boasting anti-inflammatory properties.
These pressed tea cakes are a third of the volume of teas in its loose leaf form, making them convenient for storage and travel. Each pressed tea is exactly one serving (6 grams), and produces approximately 4 cups of tea (or 10+ infusions brewing gongfu cha).
Contains - 6 - 6 oz. mini tea cakes.
Total of 1.5 oz.
Brewing Recommendation - Brew 1 mini tea cake with 100 ml using 208 degree, near boiling water. Start with 20 infusions and then 10-second infusions once the leaves have started to loosen up. Alternatively, boil over the stovetop for a more robust infusion.